Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sugar High Friday #7 Roundup is Complete

See Obsession With Food for the roundup on all those molasses rich recipes submitted April 22nd.


SantaBarbarian said...

speaking of "sweet"....I saw Tyler Florence signing books at the LA Festival of Books.

I was working the event so didn't get a chance to see his presentation, but went over to where he was signing his new book. I was about 40 feet away, but...He looked up from signing...smiled at me and waved. I couldn't believe it! I was in hog heaven. My heart be still.

I couldn't even imagine actually cooking with him like you did. I would probably faint....

Jocelyn:McAuliflower said...

Wait... you got to cook with Tyler?!

sylvie1950 said...

Yes. If you ever see the Food911 show on Dandy Doughnuts taped about 4 years ago, it's me.,1976,FOOD_9964_19675,00.html
It has not aired since Oct 04.