I sought to create a very special dinner. As I entered the SM Seafood Market, I had no clue what I wanted to cook. Considerations included live crawfish but getting these babies without a pre-order is next to not especially on a Sunday. Possibly frozen and that was a no also. I decided on fresh oysters, head on Santa Barbara Shrimp and Skate wing. Do I know how to shuck an oyster? - No. Have I ever cooked Skate Wing? - No. But I have a son who graduated from the CIA. He knows.
Insult onto injury, I headed to Costco and got some King Crab legs and Mussels to steam. Note - this dinner is planned for two.
I tend to go overboard. I really never got use to cooking a meal without the out of nest kids. What I finally brought to the table included: fresh shucked oysters, steamed mussels with a lemon-garlic butter sauce, grilled head on shrimp, king crab legs, skate wings pan fried with a caper butter sauce and steamed broccoli rabewith a great white wine.
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