Well, this Sunday marks another Superbowl extravaganza- football. The day when advertisers throw their best punches, the celebrities flock to be seen and heard, creative chefs, armchair quarterbacks and their significant others lay out a culinary delight from chips to lobster. Ah, even those who have no interest in football flock to the TV. Females in search of a mate head to the sports bars, a Sunday afternoon with girlfriends and wives occupying the same space with their mates to watch grown men fight for possession of an oblong shaped ball and cross over a goal line.
The best parts of the show are the commercials followed by the half time show. Who could resist a glimpse at the new upcoming or soon to be released fast cars, or a beer even reptiles will drink, what about some sexy babe advertising a dot.com, or the battle of the soft drinks and best chip for dipping? Reminds me of a party I attended a number of years ago and some fool had the nerve to try to take possession of the remote control and turn the channel during every commercial. That didn't last long. He was exiled from remote control by the ladies of the house.
Half time show- no one will ever forget Janet Jackson's boob which changed the way live performances are broadcast forever.
I happen to know the teams playing this year, Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers. I even watched the last playoff games or rather they were on in the background. Had to do some research in order to determine the color of this years Superbowl Decorated Sugar Cookie. If only I had an edible ink printer, I could really go overboard on this. Instead, two weeks before the event, I'm planning my royal icing strategy. I'm in cooking supply stores looking for some unique cookie cutter or decorating idea. I scour the internet to see what the commercial cookie gurus are doing. I resolve to my reliable standbys, a helmet and a homemade cutter out of a tin can flattened in the shape of the oblong football.
We are heading south to some friends for the day. Every year for the past 6 or 7 years a group of friends gets together for this event. I'm never asked to bring cookies and they have never told me not to, so I take it upon myself to offer this as my contribution to the party.
This year's theme is Hawaiian (ok as we live in sunny Southern California). The menu we'll see on Sunday. With MC at the stove, it has got to be great.
(P.S. Ziggy has even been requested to dress in his tropical attire.)
Go Team

(See recipe for No Fail Sugar Cookie and Royal Icing in the index to the right under Sweets.)
Note to self: The edible sparkling dusting powder may have had a better effect if I had dissolved a small amount in vodka and painted it on the icing versus dusting it. May be too girlie girl.