Saturday mornings are my only opportunity for grocery shopping. I wasn't sure what I wanted to cook today and I actually thought abour braising a whole chicken until I came upon a 7 pound boneless prime rib at a reasonable price. That's it, my menu was finalized. Prime rib, asparagus and sweet potatoes with a bottle of a fine red wine.
I rubbed the prime rib with Montreal Seasoning and Worscheshire Sauce and let it rest about 30 minutes before I placed it on indirect heat on my BBQ grill. For the first 20 minutes, the temp was quite high(475 degrees). I added an aluminum foil packet of oak wood directly over the heat source and lowered the temp to 325. This added a smoky flavor. The prime rib cooked to an internal temp of 130 degrees close to the edge and 125 in the middle. I let it rest for about 20 minutes before serving. Perfect medium rare slices. No added seasoning necessary.
I also grilled the whole sweet potatoes and the asparagus tossed in olive oil, lemon juice and salt and pepper.

Lovely! Isn't the asparagus wonderful right now?!
girl that looks GREAT !!!!
i just drooled on my keyboard. i hope ziggy got a taste!
11:35 pm on a Sunday night and I am totally craving prime rib...
That is one great-looking piece of meat! I noticed today at the Costco that beef is actually going down (I hear it is because farmers are sending their cows to market and turning paastures into cornfields for ethanol). We bought a whole beef tenderloin for $8.19/lb.
looks amazing, we will definitely try this at home!!!
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