While thumbing through Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook, I noted the recipe on page 301, "Cinnamon-Raisin Bread". It wasn't the call of the picture nor recipe that drew me to want to make this. It was the thought that once made, I could use the cinnamon raisin bread for a bread pudding. The recipe can also be found on the Martha Stewart Living website. I really had to want to make this recipe as the process took quite a while, rise after rise. In the end, I had two very nice looking loaves of cinnamon raisin bread.

3 large eggs
1/4 cup sugar (there is sugar in the cinnamon raisin bread)
1 tsp almond extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
dash of freshly ground nutmeg
4 cups half and half
1/2 cup Nutella
The custard ingredients are combined and whisked.
I sliced and cubed one of my freshly baked loaves of cinnamon bread placing this in a bow3l and then poured enough of the custard mixture to cover the cubes. This I allowed to soak for about 3 hours. I also warmed 1/2 cup Nutella so that it could be drizzled throughout the soaked bread cubes.
I decided to use my valentine heart bundt pan just because Valentine's day is around the corner. The pudding was cooked in a 350 degree oven for about an hour.
(Note: I used a small valentine heart shaped pan. The recipe was enough to make two of these hearts. Side note- Use of the Nutella was not a good idea. I wouldn't use it this way again. Possibly drizzled over the finished product would be better.)
The finished cinnamon raisin nutella bread pudding baked to a nice crust in the heart pan. I was able to plate it nicely. I purchased this heart pan from Bed, Baths and Beyond with a $5.00 coupon but I also saw it at Williams-Sonoma for a similar price before the coupon.
Overall, I enjoyed the bread pudding. I'll place this adaptation in my keep file.

holy smokes! i LOOOOVE that your bread pudding is a heart!
hearts are one of my favorite shapes (omg, is that girlie or what?!?), so valentine's day is awesome (though i hate the fact that it's so commercial and lovey dovey LOL!)
again, it's beautiful!
Thanks Sarah. My husband wasn't impressed with the shape. Some guys just have no appreciation for romance.
I spend a lot of time on Valentine Day presentations for him and sometimes wonder is it just for me.
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